Tired of loosing valuable samples? Are you missing out on valuable laads because you can't track who has been in to your
store? If this sounds like you - EziSample is your solution.
What is EziSample?
EziSample is a simple to use contact management and price book database all rolled into one. EziSample allows issuing and
tracking of shop samples via barcodes that are scanned using a hand-held barcode scanner. Appro dockets can be printed for
the customer with or without prices showing any specials or promotions running at the time of issue. Return dates for the
sample return can be set, or overwritten at issue time. Reporting allows you to see who has what sample, when it is due for
return and the price it was issued at.
What does EziSample look like?
EziSample is a software program that runs off a desktop PC. All information is accessed off tabs on one screen for ease of
use. Reports and Price Book updates are accessed from drop down menus. Samples can be printed onto any size label using any
standard off-the-shelf laser printer. Special scuff-proof sticky labels can be purchased that stick to difficult surfaces
like the hessian backing of carpet samples.
How does EziSample work?
When your customer walks through the door, you take basic information from them (minimum requirement is a name and phone number). number).
You then point at the barcode on the sample using the hand held barcode scanner. This scans the barcode and sets a return date
that the sample is due back (the date can be overridden at time of issue if required). The barcode can alos be used as a price
check tool that displays inclusive or exclusive pricing. If the product is part of a promotion or special, the price listed is
that price during that special propmtion...no need to re-label anything!
An Appro docket is then printed listing the sapmles taken, when they are due back and the price they were issued at (the price
may be suppressed if required). Should any of the samples be part of a promotion or special, then the price printed is the price
during the special. The name and dates of the promotion are listed clearly on the Appro docket.
What can I do in-house?
Everything. For example you can:-
- Set the date due back for the sample (in working days from issue), or override the return date at issue time
- The product name (you can use the manufaturer's name or an alias name)
- The pricing structure (these can be updated from an Excel spreadsheet for convenience, or calculated as a
margin/markup from the actual cost
- The barcode (you specify the label size and where to commence printing on the sheet - this reduces wastage)
What reporting is there?
You can print out:-
- Reports to show who has what sample out, when it is due for return and the price it was issued at
- Report of which colours and sample ranges are the most popular using the Best Sellers report
- An Appro docket showing all samples issued, the customer pricing point and any special or promotion the sample
is part of, including when the special or promotion expires
Click here to download the promotional leaflet for EziSample.
 Copyright Bay Software Solutions Ltd 2009
Last Modified:30/10/2013